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Hojin Kwon, Lea Sobbe  Recorder
Pablo FitzGerald  Lute, Archlute, Baroque guitar
Ekachai Maskulrat  Violoncello
Melanie Flores  Harpsichord

Sonorità is an ensemble focused on music from the 17th and 18th century.  Its name, derived from the Italian word for sonorousness, points to the origins of the ensemble; in 2016, five young musicians from five different countries and cultures came together in an effort to bring a rich, colorful sound to the public. All members of the ensemble are current or former students of the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in Switzerland, the international reference for Early music.


Sonorità’s music has been well received in concerts performed in  Switzerland, Germany and France. The ensemble’s sound is not only acclaimed by the public, but also by academic jurors, which awarded the team in an internal competition from the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis  (Vier Jahreszeiten FHNW). More recently, Sonorità won the Audience Award and the Second Prize at the Biagio Marini Competition 2018 and the 1st prize in the 40th Music Competition of the International Lyceum Club of Switzerland, Lausanne Switzerland, in October 2018.


The ensemble specializes not only in music from the 17th and 18th century, but also in contemporary music and improvisation. The whole team is dedicated to sharing their unique musical interpretation of each genre, and strives to make the audience vibrate in syntony with the music in every concert.





Amir Tiroshi  

Hojin Kwon  

 Hyeonho Jeon   

Lena Tschinderle  

Mira Gloor   

Das Blockflötenconsort Tourterelles entstand 2014 in Basel und setzt sich aus jungen Musikern zusammen, die sich aufgrund ihres Interesses für mehrstimmige Renaissancemusik gefunden haben. Die Ensemblemitglieder genossen Ausbildungen an Institutionen, die für ihre Spezialisierung auf Alte Musik bekannt sind, unter ihnen die Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in Basel und die ESMUC in Barcelona.
Ihr spezielles Interesse gilt der Consortliteratur des 16. Jahrhunderts. Diese mehrstimmige Musik, meist Vokalmusik, wurde schon damals häufig instrumental „in consort“ – das Zusammenspiel von Instrumenten derselben Familie – aufgeführt. 

Das Ensemble spielt auf Kopien von historischen Blockflöten von Rafi, einem Flötenbauer, der im 16. Jahrhundert in Lyon tätig war. Das Spiel aus faksimile Stimmbüchern in der Notation des 16. Jahrhunderts entspricht der damaligen Aufführungspraxis und bringt das Ensemble näher an die Essenz der Musik. Aufgrund des Studiums von historischen Traktaten und Quellen der Zeit hat das Ensemble eine historisch informierte Grundlage für die Interpretation seiner Programme.




Hojin Kwon  Recorder
Soko Yoshida  Baroque Violin

Marina Cabello del Castillo  Viola da Gamba
Ignacio Laguna Navarro  Theorbo, Baroque guitar
Inés Moreno Uncilla  Harpsichord

The Ensemble L’arte di Arctus, with its five members and corresponding number of instruments, invites the audience to an exploration of acoustic experiences in each of their performances.

Founded in 2019 by Hojin Kwon (Recorder), Soko Yoshida (Baroque Violin), Marina Cabello del Castillo (Viola da Gamba), Ignacio Laguna Navarro (Theorbo / Baroque guitar), and Inés Moreno Uncilla (Harpsichord) during their studies at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis (Switzerland), L’arte di Arctus specializes on 17th and 18th century music.

This group of internationally active and award-winning musicians chose their name from Arcturus, the brightest star in the northern sky and part of the Boötes constellation, used since immemorial times to guide travelers in their journey. The ensemble aims to do the same for present-day audiences, bringing them along through their exploration of musical colors and soundscapes.



Las Lunas is an ensemble characterized by its ability to captivate audiences through its expressive and inspiring music. Las Lunas is a recorder-harpsichord duo founded in 2014 by Hojin Kwon and Melanie Flores, during their studies at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis.


Las Lunas – which means The Moons in Spanish – describes the reliance of the ensemble on something greater to be able to shine. At night, the moon shines bright only because it reflects the sun’s light. Without the sun, the moon would be a dark piece of matter. Similarly, the duo becomes meaningful by reflecting the light of the music.

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